Special event “1001 Toasts” Jan 11th, 2022

people toasting wine glasses
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

McGill Toastmasters will celebrate a big milestone of reaching 1000 meetings. It has been an exciting and rewarding journey! A special event “1001 Toasts” will be hosted to celebrate this historic moment on Jan 11th, 2022.

We’ll have an exceptional keynote speaker Suzannah Baum who was a longstanding McGill Toastmaster, and now a professional speaker.

Suzannah Baum

Presentation skills specialist, executive speech coach and speaker.

We also have an amazing lineup of advanced speakers and evaluators.

Mark your calendar and don’t miss this special event!

Time: 5:45 pm, Tuesday, Jan 11th, 2022

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9454747586?pwd=WnpZRlQ0L2RPL2tjUlZWRGZhNjV6UT09